With zeal and mega-charged power, the first single of Kobinah Magic has been unveiled. Promising Ghanaian highlife act, 'Kobinah Magic' makes an auspicious statement with the release of his much anticipated debut single dubbed 'Pull him down'. The young gem, a student of the University of Cape Coast revealed to that the song is a retrospective vibe from the hard and muddy moments that life threw at him while growing up as a little boy and the kinds of friends you made that didn't want to see him at the top. The must listen tune, is an inspirational highlife and afrobeat bound to stir in you an electrifying vibe of life. It's definitely the energy you need from the various lows you may be facing in life. He further seizes the opportunity to offer thanksgiving to God as the year draws to a close. He teams up with Kojo Nytro and Kwesi Nap respectively on this great jam. If you ask me..., young Kobinah Magic, has great potent...